Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Research Paper

For the research paper concerning our final project, i have come up with a few ideas, some fo my own, and some of simon pope. I was very confused because I din't know how to do it, since for me there isn't much to do except make the film. Now I have realized that there are many things that i hadn't payed enough attention to. Things like looking at the iadea, analysing it, or describing it, or other things like trying to research for people that have allready done anything similar or finding out if there is something writen about it. There is also a technological part that I should consider, for instance, how am I going to do in the post production to make everything as interactive as I intend.
I have to organize a calendar to administrate the time i have until the 22nd of May that is when it has to be given in. I'll star doing some research on the Internet Movie Database and in the New Port Film School, and I'll find out something of Peter Greenaway.


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