Monday, October 09, 2006


Blog for 2006-10-09

My project

Closed circuit television are cameras that connected to a screen with a receiver, makes you able to see images where the camera is. The main purpose of CCTV is security and nearly 100% of stores, companies ore even some houses are equipped with many cameras that send a signal to a receiver where you have one or many other screens. Its called close circuit television because the signal isn’t broadcasted away and it isn’t intended to see by others. New technologies have made wireless connections something both good and bad for security, since it makes it easier to install the cameras and the other stuff but it also makes it possible for others to see what its being taped by the cameras just with a receiver connected to the same frequency of the wireless camera.
Wireless connections open possibilities for very interesting broadcasting features and new ways information’s transmission, things that are now related to new media underground movements and that makes possible for someone to produce a little broadcasting emission. All they would need are a few devices such as wireless cameras, receivers and senders, that depend on the quality and power, could broadcast images in colour and with sound to receivers (TVs) in a small area over frequencies of other TV signals.

Things we spoke about in the second part of the class.

Open Free Wireless Connections, for next Monday!!

See: war chalking, consume.net, arwain.net, blackbeltjones.com, I stumber (for mac) or net stumber for pc

Wi Fi works in microwaves frequency

Open network, WI fi networks installed with “default settings” which won’t have any codes.


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