Friday, September 29, 2006

DFIM future competition

Today's lesson was great, it was about developing a future product, so we did three groups and ech ggroup had an object. Our group was compossed of Nick, Lee and I, and we thought about a new telephone that would have al the features of a computer, and a gps and that waould have the size of a watch, with a tacticle screen and some accesories like an ear/microphone, an eye visor ro a hand sensorial device. After that we did a presentaion that considering the circumstances that we didn't have it really well prepared I think it turned out quiete well, and by the end of the lesson w won the competition to the two other subjects that were future tv and future music. We've done a good job!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Todays lesson consisted in analysing electronic devices in a kind of way that you had to look at thhem and tell what could they possibly be ment for, having in consideration size, texture, any kind of buttons, or any other phisichal characteristics that could tell you something. After viewing tthe phischal part, we acctually had to know what was it for, how to use it, whay could it be usefull or maybe how we coul improve it. This lesson took place duuring the first hour form 10 am till 11.30 or so. After that two students form the previus year made two presentations of their final term proyect wich were very intersting, specially the firs one, wich was about a kind of tourist GPS that actualizes in real life offering information about food, activities, history, anecdotes of a certain place or of a certain time. For example, you could be in Queens Street, and the little GPS would tell you what shops you've got near, what do they sell and what price. I liked it beccause it reminded me of a proyect some one I know in Beberly hills was doing for Emergency vehiculs giving them live info of the state of roads, trafic, petrol stations, etc.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Today we sarted our lesson with Debby (Deborah Lemmont, or something like that), she spoke to us about how to analyse a product and how to think a way to improve it. It was quite interesting, and we did an exercise descrbing how we saw a mac computer and how we shoud analyse it, and we came up with not tto many improvedments, like having a second botton on the mouse. For tomorrow i've got to bring my phone and like the rest of my mates, we'll do an exercise about how we see it, how we can make it better. We have also arranged a visit to Cardiff Bay, to see a Tecnological something, but we still havn't got a time set. So this is all for today I think and I'll write something nwe tomorrow, allthough it'll be something better than this cause I'm not really sure of how we ar supposed to do this. By thhe way, my friend nacho is coming tonight with his girl and we are moving in to our new flat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C U!!!!!!

Yesterdays lesson

we started with a new guy named Simon Pope who spoke to us about haw we have ot to develop his subject